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Quasar Belt Change.

Just a few photos showing the main steps in changing the drivebelt on a quasar engined GTS.

This is the quasar engine in 300cc form but its the same as the 250 engine, in this how-to we are changing a drivebelt... which is inside the silver case shown in this picture. Ive already undo the airbox screws and lifted it up slightly for better easier access.

First job is to remove the front plastic air intake by the 2 screws and clean out the foam filter. Then pop off the silver rear nut cover, and fit the locking tool into the case to stop the nut rotating the wheel.

Once thats done we can undo all the 8mm bolts around the casing, on later models on of the front ones has this wire attached, its a main earth so dont forget to put it back on later.

So now the belt casing is off youll be faced with this, the drive system... front pulley is the variator and the rear one is the clutch, with the belt transfering power between the two.

I will give the clutch shoes a good sanding to remove the glaze and then check them for depth..

So now we fit all the parts back to the engine, remembering the drivebelt has a certain direction to be fitted as indicated by the arrows. Also a note to remember is when fitting the belt, to squeeze the pulleys apart and make sure the belt sits low into them so the belts slack, this prevents the front pulley nipping the belt when its tightened up.

Refit the clutch nut cover and jobs completed. Now refit the airbox screws and thats it.

Make sure this wire is reattached... double check it!

The outer clutch drum just pulls off, and then we will fit the variator locking tool to the front pulley so we can undo the nut.

Once all thats undone we can remove everything to leave a nice empty casing.

This is the old belt after 10,000km and its already showing lots of perishing and cracking inbetween the teeth area, so hasnt got much longer left in it.

Heres the belt width and its still within the specified range of 19.5mm minimum... but its definately getting worn.

They still have 3.0mm of material left which is within the specified limits as the minimium is 1.0mm.

Now its time to give the clutch drum a good clean out, youll be suprised by the amount of dirt and debris you find in there.

Once its all fitted we need to reinstall the locking tool to hold the front pulley, and then torque it up to the factory specs.



The refit the casing, and all the 8mm bolts, they need to be done upto 11-13NM so its not really worth a torque wrench its only a gentle nip up job.


Then refit the clutch locking tool and lock the rear clutch nut up to the factory specs.



Now for test ride.

Now once the filter is cleaned, refit it into the casing ( dont oil it like the other engine air filter) and refit the cover.

Heres the new belt, measures at 21.77mm.

So to start with ill get some solvent degreaser and give the inside of the casing a good wash out to get rid of the belt debris and dust.

Ill now strip the variator down and fit new rollers, youll notice the rollers are handed so ensure they go in as shown, as the load face has extra plastic to make them last. New guides are fitted to the sliding plate and its ready to refit.

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